{"url":"https:\/\/www.amazon.ae\/dp\/B002ED4DQI","asin":"B002ED4DQI","page":1,"brand":"bandai","price":450,"stock":"Only 1 left in stock - order soon.","title":"XBOX 360 TEKKEN 6 LIMITED EDITION WITH WIRELESS FIGHT STICK","coupon":"","images":["https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/91j6zu55ZwL._AC_SL1500_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/51WzbguWjjL._AC_SL1500_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/91g6GtzifAL._AC_SL1500_.jpg"],"rating":3.4,"category":[{"ladder":[{"url":"\/b\/ref=dp_bc_aui_C_1\/261-5774143-2750440?ie=UTF8&node=11601383031","name":"Videogames"},{"url":"\/b\/ref=dp_bc_aui_C_2\/261-5774143-2750440?ie=UTF8&node=26864472031","name":"Legacy Systems"},{"url":"\/b\/ref=dp_bc_aui_C_3\/261-5774143-2750440?ie=UTF8&node=26864476031","name":"Xbox Systems"},{"url":"\/b\/ref=dp_bc_aui_C_4\/261-5774143-2750440?ie=UTF8&node=12359192031","name":"Xbox 360"},{"url":"\/b\/ref=dp_bc_aui_C_5\/261-5774143-2750440?ie=UTF8&node=12359302031","name":"Games"}]}],"currency":"AED","delivery":[{"date":{"by":"28 January","from":"27"},"type":"AED9 delivery"}],"_warnings":["Could not parse pricing count."],"deal_type":"","page_type":"Product","price_sns":0,"variation":[],"has_videos":false,"sales_rank":[{"rank":14870,"ladder":[{"url":"\/gp\/bestsellers\/videogames\/ref=pd_zg_ts_videogames","name":"Videogames"}]},{"rank":145,"ladder":[{"url":"\/gp\/bestsellers\/videogames\/12359302031\/ref=pd_zg_hrsr_videogames","name":"Xbox 360 Games"}]}],"top_review":"The Tekken 6 wireless fightstick bundle by Hori is a blast! I had been wanting a fight stick for over a year now, but could not afford to shell out the 70 dollar+ asking price of the standard Hori model or the MadCatz model that was a bit more expensive. I found this one here on Amazon in \"like new\" condition and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. They recently had this bundle offered at Bestbuy online for thirty bucks but I missed out on it as it sold out quick. This bundle came out to forty-three ninety-nine with no tax and no shipping and I received it within a week. It said \"like new\" however the only thing not new about it was the outer box packaging shrink wrap. Even the Tekken 6 game case had the original shrink wrapping so I could tell everything that came within the box was not used which was awesome! The only bad thing I have noticed so far has been the generic brand batteries that came included. The stick works like I expected. I've used the One-hundred dollar+ MadCatz pro model and even the lower priced version and can honestly say that it worked just as good. The buttons are solid, the joystick handle works beautifully and the finish of the cabinet is also finely crafted. It feels good while on your lap and is actually lighter then the Madcatz versions and less bulky. The added touch is it's wireless capability which neither of the MadCatz versions I have used, including the tournament model, utilize. I have noticed no lag time in button presses whatsoever. With Duracell batteries, the replacement time for a fresh recharge would be like 15+ hours of continuous use. If you are in the market for a nice arcade stick for fighting games then I would highly recommend this package. Tekken 6 is also pretty good and it was a nice added bonus. You can really tell the strength of the joystick by playing Super Street Fighter IV, and if you are using a joypad for it or any fighter for that matter, you are missing out.\n \nRead more","asin_in_url":"B002ED4DQI","description":"COMPATIBLE WITH XBOX 360 PAL","parent_asin":"B002ED4DQI","price_upper":450,"pricing_str":"","pricing_url":"https:\/\/www.amazon.ae\/gp\/offer-listing\/B002ED4DQI?startIndex=0","discount_end":"","manufacturer":"Brand: bandai","price_buybox":450,"product_name":"XBOX 360 TEKKEN 6 LIMITED EDITION WITH WIRELESS FIGHT STICK","bullet_points":"Select from among the largest character roster in the Tekken series, including familiar faces as well as brand-new fighters\nEmploy each character's unique techniques, moves and attack combinations to powerful effect\nExperience an array of gameplay modes, new features and new environments that heighten the fighting intensity\nSavor the realism of bone-jarring punches and gut-wrenching grapples as the fight comes to life around you in dazzling HD\nThe premium bundle includes the Tekken 6 game, limited edition wireless fight stick crafted by Hori and collectible Art book. Reserve your Tekken 6 Limited Edition Wireless Fight Stick Bundle while supplies last!","is_addon_item":false,"price_initial":0,"pricing_count":1,"reviews_count":67,"sns_discounts":[],"developer_info":[],"price_shipping":9,"is_prime_pantry":false,"product_details":{"asin":"B002ED4DQI","release_date":"27 October 2009","best_sellers_rank":"#145 in Xbox 360 Games","item_model_number":"21029","product_dimensions":"16.26 x 38.1 x 101.6 cm; 2.88 Kilograms","is_discontinued_by_manufacturer":"No"},"featured_merchant":{"link":"\/gp\/help\/seller\/at-a-glance.html\/ref=dp_merchant_link?ie=UTF8&seller=A3GSXTGNNTKT0E&asin=B002ED4DQI&ref_=dp_merchant_link","name":"Game One Dubai","seller_id":"A3GSXTGNNTKT0E","shipped_from":"Game One Dubai","is_amazon_fulfilled":false},"is_prime_eligible":false,"parse_status_code":12005,"product_dimensions":"16.26 x 38.1 x 101.6 cm; 2.88 Kilograms","answered_questions_count":0,"rating_stars_distribution":[{"rating":5,"percentage":27},{"rating":4,"percentage":30},{"rating":3,"percentage":14},{"rating":2,"percentage":15},{"rating":1,"percentage":14}]}