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Despite me being a pro Amazon shopper, I don\u2019t tend to find purpose in most purchases I make on here. Perhaps that\u2019s due to the many things I buy on here that are just things, that although serve a purpose don\u2019t seem to resonate with me. Books have a way of losing me. Not in a bad way, but in a good way. Truly focusing on every word as if I\u2019m living those stories. I\u2019ve never read a book quite like this one. The incorporation of real life stories told by real women brings you closer to reality. Although these stories were theirs, I found myself in their shoes many times. I felt their pain, I felt their emotions, I felt their heartache. Dealing with depression and anxiety and having been through an emotionally abusive childhood that ultimately led to emotionally, mentally and physically abusive relationships. This book helped me in a way I truly never thought possible. As I got lost in the stories of other women for once in my life I didn\u2019t hear people telling me \u201cat least your situation isn\u2019t so bad, look at what it could have been.\u201d I heard positivity. I heard, \u201cit\u2019s time to heal yourself.\u201d I heard a strength to overcome like no other and I felt beautiful. I felt hopeful. When I started reading I assumed that there\u2019s no possible way this book will tell me anything I don\u2019t already know. And it\u2019s not that it did or didn\u2019t. It\u2019s that it taught me. It taught me how to look at situations differently. This book taught me that I\u2019m not alone and I don\u2019t feel alone with it in my home. It taught me to embrace my faults. Referencing back to this book is something I will do often. I will read this when I feel I need to be uplifted. I will learn to truly love myself and never forget what this did for me. That is the true meaning behind this book. I cried, I mean I truly cried. Not because I\u2019m sad, but because I\u2019m relieved. I felt relief from every single hurtful word that has been said to me that I\u2019ve dwelled on, every argument in my past, every disagreement, everything that\u2019s been eating me alive I felt a reason to let go. I have so much to look forward to and work on and this was exactly what I needed as a reminder to get out of my own head. Thank you Alexander. \u2764\ufe0f\n \nRead more","asin_in_url":"1734008490","description":"","parent_asin":"1734008490","price_upper":43.35,"pricing_str":"","pricing_url":"https:\/\/www.amazon.ae\/gp\/offer-listing\/1734008490?startIndex=0","discount_end":"","manufacturer":"Alexander McEwen","max_quantity":10,"price_buybox":-1,"product_name":"Self-Love For Women: How To Love Yourself When You've Been Emotionally Hurt, Taken For Granted, And Abused","bullet_points":"","is_addon_item":false,"price_initial":0,"pricing_count":1,"reviews_count":88,"sns_discounts":[],"developer_info":[],"lightning_deal":null,"price_shipping":0,"is_prime_pantry":false,"product_details":{"isbn_10":"1734008490","isbn_13":"978-1734008494","language":"English","paperback":"90 pages","publisher":"Dawson Books Publishing (9 April 2022)","dimensions":"15.24 x 0.94 x 22.86 cm"},"featured_merchant":{"link":"\/gp\/aag\/details\/?seller=A2TQP2QWB06O8K&sshmPath=shipping-rates","name":"Details","seller_id":"A2TQP2QWB06O8K","shipped_from":"Details","is_amazon_fulfilled":false},"is_prime_eligible":false,"parse_status_code":12005,"answered_questions_count":0,"rating_stars_distribution":[{"rating":5,"percentage":74},{"rating":4,"percentage":10},{"rating":3,"percentage":12},{"rating":2,"percentage":3},{"rating":1,"percentage":2}]}