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He\u2019s on the spectrum, and one night in the middle of the night he woke up, feeling anxious about walking to his bus stop (which he was never going to do alone!), but he decided sometime between 2 AM and 4:30 AM that it was necessary for him to see if he could do this by himself. I lived in a very large home with three large dogs and locks on all my doors, but my son\u2019s bedroom was on one side of the house and I was on the other. My husband was in Afghanistan, so it was just me and the dogs and the kids. My son grabbed a few juice pouches, put on his sneakers by himself, climbed on a telephone book to unlock one of the locks on the door that were too high for him to reach, and left my home in the middle of the night, and walked down the street. Ever hear those stories about children with autism, drowning in ponds or getting hit by cars and people blame the parents for being inattentive? Nightmare! My son made it back into the house and to his bed without ever waking up me or the dogs. I only discovered his adventure because he didn\u2019t take off one of his shoes, and left the empty juice pouches on the top of the garbage can in the kitchen, which obviously wasn\u2019t normal. One of my dogs at the time was a gigantic and very watchful Rottweiler and usually when the kids woke up in the night the dogs would wake me if I didn\u2019t already hear them. It didn\u2019t happen. So what to do? I mean a parent has to sleep at some point in time - our bedrooms were on the second floor so I only needed a solution for exit doors. I found these and ordered a set right away. Installed them as soon as I got them. Put them up high and turned them on. They are absolutely ear piercing. The adhesion doesn\u2019t come off. There are settings so that the door just chimes on opening or you can set it to the full on alarm. I didn\u2019t have to change the batteries once in five years. And in a 7000 square-foot house, if I was in the basement, if I was in the backyard , if I was dead to the world asleep, I could hear the alarm. 15 years later, kids are grown, and I am in a smaller place in town on the ground floor and while I\u2019m in a fairly safe area, the rear entry to my unit is obscure, and I know from having a security background that also makes it a great target. I bought another set of these, and have slept just fine ever since. They\u2019re on my first floor doors and windows. It\u2019s a nice inbetween if you don\u2019t want a monitored service or a Ring on every door. Well worth the $ for the piece of mind.\n \nRead more","asin_in_url":"B07SJ2JR3Q","description":"The GE Personal Security Window\/Door Alarms provide a simple-to-use, cost-effective security solution to protect you and your family against home invasions. The up to 120-decibel alarms are loud enough to make a would-be intruder think twice about entering through your doors or windows. The alarms are also extremely easy to use. The window\/door alarms feature a contemporary design with easy access buttons and controls for simple operation. This straightforward concept makes using the GE Personal Security Window\/Door Alarms intuitive, no matter what your technological skills may be. With no wires required for installation, protecting any window or door in your home is as easy as attaching the alarm to your window or door with double-sided tape (included). Each window alarm features an on\/off\/chime switch for easy operation and a low-battery test button for checking battery life. The GE Personal Security Window\/Door Alarms are perfect for homes, apartments, dorm rooms, offices and much more.","parent_asin":"B089R9PGZR","price_upper":106.47,"pricing_str":"","pricing_url":"https:\/\/www.amazon.ae\/gp\/offer-listing\/B07SJ2JR3Q?startIndex=0","discount_end":"","manufacturer":"Brand: GE","max_quantity":30,"price_buybox":106.47,"product_name":"GE Personal Security, Window and Door Alarm, 5 Pack, DIY Protection, Burglar Alert, Wireless Chime\/Alarm, Easy Installation, Ideal for Home, Garage, Apartment and More, 45987,White","bullet_points":"Safe and Secure \u2013 Ward off would-be intruders with a up to 120-decibel alarm triggered by a high-quality magnetic sensor, or choose for a chime to sound when windows or doors are opened and closed\nUser Friendly \u2013 Features an easy-to-use OFF\/CHIME\/ALARM switch on the side of the alarm to let you choose your preference of alert\nEasy Install \u2013 Experience completely wire and hassle-free mounting with the included double-sided tape, everything you need is included in the box\nBattery Operated \u2013 Powered by four long-life LR44 button batteries (included) and features a battery test button and low battery indicator to keep you notified of current power levels\nPeace of Mind \u2013 This home security product is designed to fortify your home with a reliable layer of protection, empowering you to live your life free of worry","is_addon_item":false,"price_initial":0,"pricing_count":0,"reviews_count":2069,"sns_discounts":[],"developer_info":[],"lightning_deal":null,"price_shipping":0,"is_prime_pantry":false,"product_details":{"asin":"B07SJ2JR3Q","batteries":"20 LR44 batteries required. 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