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I didn't want to invest a lot of money as I already have a nice desktop PC and a small tablet for entertainment streaming. I also have a nice Dell 11.6 Windows laptop 2 in 1, purchased 4 years ago for tutor use, but it is noticeably slow as Windows is always pokey to load, or chooses to update when I wake the thing, or has to wind through a virus protector, THEN load Chrome with Google docs or slides (even on a desktop shortcut). That's not so fun when you've got a room full of high schoolers looking for an excuse to get distracted. So I was intrigued by those ads that showed the speed and ease of chromebook for Goggle Docs and Slides. To test my theory, one student and I had a loading race with their chromebook and my older windows 10 Dell (updated, memory cleaned, debugged...so lean and mean as its going to get), and hands down, the chromebook left my old Dell Inspiron 3000 windows 10 in the dust.That brought me to Amazon and this chromebook.This Dell N3481 (as it says on the box) chromebook 11, NON TOUCHSCREEN, is an excellent economical student chromebook which is why I gave it 4 stars. It is a nice back pack size, overall sturdy (though the screen-lid feels like it bends a little which is a bit disturbing but probably harmless), from sleep loads to chrome menu incredibly fast, then opens Google docs or slides incredibly fast, plus has a long life battery. Don't expect to run your favorite Windows programs as this is not that kind of computer. It is a glorified Android (chrome) tablet with nice touch dedicated keyboard for those who are tired of typing with their thumbs for longer composition essays in the Google doc\/slide or mobile app formats. So for a student notebook, it is excellent and an extremely good buy at the price of about $160 new (at this time).What it is not: It is not for a professional tutoring business where 2 students, or a small group club, have to look at the same screen at angles. This is NOT IPS nor is it in any way multidirectional. The description where it says it can lay flat to view is an exaggeration at best, misleading in truth. The moment you leave dead center, with an otherwise decent to good quality screen that is bright and sharp enough for Netflix surfing and definitely any browsing or document work, you enter the world of shadows and rank invisibility. That won't make a a bit of difference if you are a single student using your computer to sit at your desk to do homework. It DOES make a BIG difference if you need to be able to view it at off angles. In order to do that, upgrade to the Dell touchscreen model which includes IPS technology so that the screen is bright and sharp at all angles...flat, tented, side by side two people, small club, etc.The sound is decent to good for one student, and loud enough to listen to over a newer dishwasher while you video watch while cooking. It is tinny and somewhat indistinguishable if you put it up to full so that a group can listen to the video. Buying a reasonably inexpensive USB speaker will clean that up (which I had on hand for proof).And yet...I returned it. The deal breaker was lack of screen angle for my purposes.I love the chrome environment as it fits my tutor needs. If this were for my child to go to high school or even college....I would have been happy. However for what I need in my tutoring business and club coaching, I have returned it to upgrade to the Dell Inspiron Chromebook 11, 2 in 1, touchscreen. It will be like my old Dell windows 2 in 1 just without the clunky windows 10 bogging down efforts to get to Google work.\n \nRead more","asin_in_url":"B089P36FXC","description":"Learning built to last An accessible and highly durable 11-inch laptop with up to 14 hours of battery life and features for seamless manageability. Operating System - Google Chrome OS Designed to last beyond the bell The Chromebook 3000 Series is rigorously tested to endure the school day and beyond. Students can learn uninterrupted with tamper- and spill-resistant keyboards and a long battery life. Tested to endure the school day Highly durable: Rigorously tested beyond MIL-STD standards, the Chromebook 3100 keeps up with the entire school day and then some. It\u2019s tested to survive 5,000 free fall micro-drops and 30-inch drops onto steel, while rubberized edges minimize impacts from drops and bumps.","parent_asin":"B08F35W6CZ","price_upper":300,"pricing_str":"","pricing_url":"https:\/\/www.amazon.ae\/gp\/offer-listing\/B089P36FXC?startIndex=0","discount_end":"","manufacturer":"Brand: Dell","max_quantity":5,"price_buybox":300,"product_name":"Dell Chromebook 11 3000 3100 11.6\" Chromebook - 1366 x 768 - Celeron N4020-4 GB RAM - 16 GB Flash Memory - Chrome OS - Intel HD Graphics - English (US) Keyboard - Bluetooth - 14 Hour Battery Ru","bullet_points":"Processor Manufacturer: Intel\nProcessor Type: Celeron\nProcessor Model: N4020\nMaximum Turbo Speed: 2.80 GHz\nProcessor Core: Dual-core (2 Core)","is_addon_item":false,"price_initial":0,"pricing_count":1,"reviews_count":1019,"sns_discounts":[],"developer_info":[],"lightning_deal":null,"price_shipping":0,"is_prime_pantry":false,"product_details":{"asin":"B089P36FXC","brand":"\u200eDell","color":"\u200eBlack","series":"\u200e2019 New Dell Inspiron 11 Chromebook , 11.6\" HD Non-Touchscreen Display, In","voltage":"\u200e3.6 Volts","wattage":"\u200e65 watts","ram_size":"\u200e4 GB","batteries":"\u200e1 Lithium Ion batteries required.","resolution":"\u200e1366 x 768","form_factor":"\u200eChromebook","item_weight":"\u200e544 g","manufacturer":"\u200eDell Computers","power_source":"\u200eBattery Powered","audio_details":"\u200eHeadphones","wireless_type":"\u200eBluetooth","processor_type":"\u200eCeleron","processor_brand":"\u200eIntel","processor_count":"\u200e1","processor_speed":"\u200e2.8 GHz","customer_reviews":"4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 1,019 ratings 4.3 out of 5 stars","operating_system":"\u200eChrome OS","connectivity_type":"\u200eBluetooth","graphics_ram_type":"\u200e72-Pin EDO SIMM Memory","hardware_platform":"\u200eChrome","item_model_number":"\u200e3100","memory_technology":"\u200eDDR","screen_resolution":"\u200e1366 x 768","memory_clock_speed":"\u200e2.8 GHz","optical_drive_type":"\u200eBD-R","product_dimensions":"\u200e30.48 x 20.83 x 2.08 cm; 544.31 Grams","date_first_available":"4 June 2020","hard_drive_interface":"\u200eUSB","hard_disk_description":"\u200eEmbedded MultiMediaCard","are_batteries_included":"\u200eNo","graphics_chipset_brand":"\u200eAllwinner","lithium_battery_weight":"\u200e0.8 Grams","graphics_card_interface":"\u200eIntegrated","maximum_memory_supported":"\u200e16 GB","graphics_card_description":"\u200eDedicated","lithium_battery_packaging":"\u200eBatteries contained in equipment","number_of_lithium_ion_cells":"\u200e2","standing_screen_display_size":"\u200e11.6 Inches","average_battery_life_in_hours":"\u200e14 Hours","lithium_battery_energy_content":"\u200e4.9 Watt Hours","average_battery_standby_life_in_hours":"\u200e14 Hours"},"featured_merchant":{"link":"\/gp\/help\/seller\/at-a-glance.html\/ref=dp_merchant_link?ie=UTF8&seller=A437UT6FFFANQ&asin=B089P36FXC&ref_=dp_merchant_link","name":"Titan tech","seller_id":"A437UT6FFFANQ","shipped_from":"Titan tech","is_amazon_fulfilled":false},"is_prime_eligible":false,"parse_status_code":12005,"product_dimensions":"\u200e30.48 x 20.83 x 2.08 cm; 544.31 Grams","warranty_and_support":{"links":[{"url":"\/gp\/help\/customer\/display.html\/ref=orc_hp_s_retpol?ie=UTF8&nodeId=GKM69DUUYKQWKWX7","title":"Return details"}],"description":"amazon.ae Return Policy: Regardless of your statutory right of withdrawal, you enjoy a 15-30 day right of return for most products. 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