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I hope that people find my review informative and helpful.I will start with the pros:The tent itself pitches as an all-in-one so even in the worst of weather the inside will stay dry. There is no need for standing in the rain trying to pitch the inner as quick as possible while it takes in water. It pitches very easily and in minimal time. An easy task for one person to do.The fabric used for this tent gives you a rating of 3000mm Hydrostatic Head which is great for most of what the British weather can throw at you. The seams all come pre sealed so no worries about having to do that yourself either.This tent is a great colour for use when you don't want to be seen, the green really blends into the background and makes stealth camping a possibility.For a one man tent the space inside is generous however there is not much of a porch so if you take a lot of gear you will need to use this space inside to store it. With minimal gear you could squeeze to small people in.There are mesh doors on the inside to allow ventilation while stopping the nasty bugs getting in, this is great for the warmer weather to stop the build up of condensation which will result in the inside of the tent becoming wet. These doors also open on a T-Zip allowing greater flexibility when opening.The top of the tent is also mesh which means any rising heat can escape and is not collected on the top to form more condensation to drip on you.The exterior doors open separately and are split down the middle allowing you to have only one open if winds are bas, using the other on to provide shelter. They can both be pinned back to allow light and air into the tent. Again great for warmer weather to let the heat out and cool air in. When used in conjunction with the mesh inner doors this is a fantastic feature.There is a bit of a porch which is big enough to store your footwear.The tent itself is free-standing allowing you to move it once it is up. This is great fro finding the perfect pitch or if you have to change your position due to weather conditions. Or even if you ave a bad night because your first choice turned out to be not as flat as you thought it was.The tent is relatively lightweight coming in at only 2.4kg. There are lighter tents out there but they are considerably more expensive. (most of them)The construction of the tent shape is well designed and results in a very strong and sturdy tent. It can withstand some pretty strong winds without any issues. I have tested this in gale force and it was absolutely fine. Not had a chance to test it in windy conditions on the fells yet but i cant see any reason why it would not shine here.The floor is made of a very strong waterproof fabric which keeps you dry but also protects you from any debris underneath which you may have missed during your scout of the area to pitch up. It doesn't seem like you would have an issue with tearing or holes appearing in the base.Guy ropes are bright in colour and easy to see which is great for safety and for site camps. However you may consider switching these out for a stealth camp as they are very visible.The interior comes with one pocket for storage, maybe your mobile phone or keys. Something small that you might need to locate in a hurry, possibly a torch.The tent comes with a light loop pre-installed for hanging your lantern or torch which saves you time having to install one yourself.Now for the cons:The poles supplied for this tent are made from fibreglass, this does make them light but at a cost to strength and longevity. They are not as strong as aluminium poles and over time when putting up and taking down the pole ends start to split and chip away which will mean they will need to be replaced. Another point to consider is that during pitching in bad conditions when you are trying to get the tent up as quick as possible Fibreglass poles can snap easily. This doesn't affect the strength of the tent when pitched but the poles themselves can snap when pitching.The supplied pegs are very thing and not good enough for the job. They bend very easily even in soft ground and come back out of the ground too easily. Might be worth switching these out for a better set if purchasing this tent.Due to the design at the top of the tent, which is a waterproof sheet which clips over the very top of the tent to cover the ventilation mesh there are some issues. The cover provides air gaps between the mesh and the outside allowing the warm air to escape and reduce condensation. However in my opinion the sheet is just a little on the small side and doesn't come down the tent far enough. Under normal conditions this inst a problem, however when the weather turns nasty and the wind is blowing rain horizontally it does get in between the top cover and main tent through the ventilation holes. This causes puddles inside the tent. As mentioned it it only an issue in really bad wind and rain but something i definitely thought needed to be mentioned.On my tent where the loops for the guy ropes attach to the tent the stitching has come away a bit and the loops have become loose. I'm not sure if this is the same for all of them or if i just had a poor example. Easily fixable though with a needle and thread.The logo is very large and very obvious. I can see this being a problem for some people however it did not bother me too much. The only time it would be an issue for me is if i was going to be doing a camp where i didn't want to be seen as it really sticks out like a sore thumb. It is easy enough to put something over it though.Conclusion.Overall this is a great tent for the money. Spacious, strong, good waterproofing and great for almost any situation. It is not perfect but not many tents on the market are. I may consider it to be the best choice for very bad weather but for most trips in the UK this tent will do you well. There are not many tents in this price range that offer you what this one does.\n \nRead more","asin_in_url":"B07XCMVXVT","description":"Night Cat Ultralight Tent 1 Person for Professional Backpacker Hiker 2 LBS Only Lanshan Backpacking Bivy Ground Tent Heavy Rain Waterproof Trekking Pole Not Included.","parent_asin":"B08ZK1Y64G","price_upper":242.55,"pricing_str":"","pricing_url":"https:\/\/www.amazon.ae\/gp\/offer-listing\/B08ZK1Y64G?startIndex=0","discount_end":"","manufacturer":"NightCat","price_buybox":-1,"product_name":"Night Cat Backpacking Tent for One 1 to 2 Persons Lightweight Waterproof Camping Hiking Tent for Adults Kids Scouts Easy Setup Single Layer 2.2x1.2m","bullet_points":"Brand: Night Cat\nThis will be an excellent pick for you\nIt scores high on the aspect of utility as per your needs\nComes with good and secure packaging","is_addon_item":false,"price_initial":0,"pricing_count":1,"reviews_count":1881,"sns_discounts":[],"developer_info":[],"lightning_deal":null,"price_shipping":0,"is_prime_pantry":false,"product_details":{"asin":"\u200eB0B3SY6MBY","size":"\u200eDouble Layers for 1 Person","brand":"\u200eNight Cat","color":"\u200eKhaki","sport":"\u200eBackpacking, Camping & Hiking, Hiking","season":"\u200e3 Season","features":"\u200eUltralight, Waterproof, Lightweight, Rainfly","age_range":"\u200eAdult","manufacturer":"\u200eBuyThem","material_type":"\u200efabric Polyurethane Nylon Aluminum","outer_material":"\u200eWaterproof Oxford","customer_reviews":"4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 1,881 ratings 4.3 out of 5 stars","best_sellers_rank":"#18,661 in Sporting Goods (See Top 100 in Sporting Goods) #113 in Dome Camping Tents","batteries_included":"\u200eNo","product_dimensions":"\u200e270 x 100 x 125 cm; 1 Kilograms","date_first_available":"5 July 2023","manufacturer_reference":"\u200eUS-ZP-20-KQ"},"featured_merchant":[],"is_prime_eligible":false,"parse_status_code":12005,"product_dimensions":"\u200e270 x 100 x 125 cm; 1 Kilograms","warranty_and_support":{"links":[{"url":"\/gp\/help\/customer\/display.html\/ref=orc_hp_s_retpol?ie=UTF8&nodeId=GKM69DUUYKQWKWX7","title":"Return details"}],"description":"amazon.ae Return Policy: Regardless of your statutory right of withdrawal, you enjoy a 15-30 day right of return for most products. 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