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For my family, this is an addition to other things in our pack.Firstly, I appreciate good packaging. It comes all nicely boxed - neat and tidy are big bonuses for me.Secondly, the first aid kit (which is in its own little bag) is minimum. I'd for sure add more, but that's just me. You can get by in a pinch with what you have. The bag itself is of decent quality. There's a bit of weight in here, I suspect due to the hammer. But it's good. Molle ftw! Loops right on to any pack!Thirdly, multi tools are amazing creations. Generally in these types of kits you'll get a shovel\/pick combo. Perhaps a multi tool card too. In this bag you'll get that as well as a hammer\/ace deal. Both with small saw like additions. There's also a wire saw, it seems sturdy enough to handle some branches so definitely a win.Two ponchos, mylar blanket, AND an emergency tent. Again, standard sets that are cheap usually include the blanket, not TWO ponchos nor an emergency tent.There's two glow sticks in here, another bonus. I'll say, I don't know how to fish BUT if that's my only available option at the time, I'll dang sure learn. There's a small fishing set up included. Whistle, paracord, a rope, compasses (2), flash light, a decent set of gloves, and firestarters round this bag out. There's a bit more but for the price.... This is good.If I had any doubts on it, opening it up and discovering all the goodies washed those doubts away. You'll definitely want to get a more all inclusive first aid kit, but for one person going on an adventure this is a great start. Keeping it in your car, or at home for emergencies this would definitely get you by.\n \nRead more","asin_in_url":"B0BVNPPTDS","description":"Mother nature can be beautiful, but she can also play rough\u2026 real rough. Make sure that you\u2019re prepared for anything the wild throws at you with the Outtrek Survival Kits for Disaster Preparedness \u2013 the ultimate solution to all ultimate outdoor preparedness. Our emergency backpack survival kit is packed with a wide range of tools that are not only functional and versatile but also designed to help you tackle any challenge that comes your way. From multi-purpose knives and fire starters to emergency blankets and whistles, our camping survival kits are your trusted companion every step of the way. Plus, with its vibrant all-blue color, our hiking survival kit is easy to spot, making sure you can always locate your survival tool kit when you need it the most. That\u2019s not all\u2013 this kit also includes a basic first aid kit survival, providing you with essential tactical first aid kit supplies for those unexpected accidents that may occur during your outdoor escapades. And with our lightweight tools and included survival bag, carrying them with you wherever you go is a breeze! When it comes to durability, we don\u2019t compromise! Our emergency preparedness kits are made from high-quality materials that are built to last, ensuring that this wilderness survival gear remains reliable even in the toughest outdoor conditions. Whether you\u2019re hiking or camping, our survival first aid kits and emergency bag survival kit is ready to stand up to the challenge, so you can focus on enjoying your adventures to the fullest! At Outtrek, we're passionate about providing you with a high-quality bugout bag survival kit for your outdoor adventures. Don't settle for a limited backpacking first aid kit that lacks essential tools and supplies. For a comprehensive and reliable outdoor survival solution, click \"ADD TO CART\" now!","parent_asin":"B0BVNPPTDS","price_upper":450.41,"pricing_str":"","pricing_url":"https:\/\/www.amazon.ae\/gp\/offer-listing\/B0BVNPPTDS?startIndex=0","discount_end":"","manufacturer":"Brand: Outtrek","max_quantity":30,"price_buybox":450.41,"product_name":"Blue Survival Kit 215 PCS Emergency Survival Kit, Camping Gear Complete Set of First Aid Kit and Multitool Emergency Supplies with Backpack - Survival Gear and Equipment for Hiking Camping and More","bullet_points":"THE COMPLETE SURVIVAL KITS with Outtrek's 215 Pcs Survival Pack. Including a first aid kit for camping, an emergency kit for disaster preparedness, a multitool, a Shovel\/Pick Combo for digging and picking, and more\nPROFESSIONAL-GRADE GEAR, this tactical survival kit can withstand the harshest outdoor conditions. Confidently face any situation knowing that you'll have reliable tactical gear for your travel\nSPOT YOUR SURVIVAL TOOLS IN SECONDS with the striking all-blue color of our disaster preparedness kit. This outdoor survival kit is the ultimate solution to quickly locate your gear, so you can handle any emergency with ease\nCONQUER ANY OUTDOOR CHALLENGE, whether you're hiking, camping, or exploring the wilderness, these 8.5\" x 6\" survival backpacks full of gear are lightweight and portable, allowing you to enjoy your adventure without slowing you down\nTHE PERFECT GIFT for adventurers or any outdoor enthusiasts. Our all-in-one survival gear kit, first aid kits, and more ensure safety and preparedness for any outdoor escapades. For ultimate preparedness, click 'ADD TO CART'!","is_addon_item":false,"price_initial":0,"pricing_count":71,"reviews_count":98,"sns_discounts":[],"developer_info":[],"lightning_deal":null,"price_shipping":0,"is_prime_pantry":false,"product_details":{"asin":"\u200eB0BVNPPTDS","brand":"\u200eOuttrek","color":"\u200eblue","department":"\u200emens, womens","manufacturer":"\u200eOuttrek","material_type":"\u200eStainless Steel","number_of_items":"\u200e215","customer_reviews":"4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 98 ratings 4.5 out of 5 stars","number_of_pieces":"\u200e215","item_model_number":"\u200e1","batteries_included":"\u200eNo","product_dimensions":"\u200e20.32 x 15.24 x 12.7 cm; 1.9 Kilograms","included_components":"\u200eButterfly handle fire starter (blue) 1 x Multifunction Folding Axe (blue) 1 x LED flashlight 1 x Multifunctional card (blue) 1 x blue cord 2 x Carabiner (Blue) 1 x Folding knife (blue) 1 x Survival bracelet (blue) 1 x Folding Shovel 2 x light stick (blue) 1 x spork 1 x pair of Gloves (blue) 1 x Wire saw 1 x fishing line set 1 x Whistle (blue) 1 x compass 1 x Emergency blanket 1 x blow pipe 2 x Disposable poncho (blue) 1 x Emergency tent 1 x First aid bag (camo blue) 80 x cotton tip applicator 4 x gauze pad sterile 2 x first aid tape 22 x safety pins 2 x Elastic bandge 1 x Tweezer (blue) 1 xTPE tourniquet (blue) 1 x Self-adhering bandage (blue) 1 x Scissor (blue) 1 x triangular bandage 30 x Adhesive bandage 20 x NDC: Povidone-lodine perp pad 20 x NDC: Alcohol pad 4 x fire starter rope 1 x bottle buckle","date_first_available":"24 October 2023"},"featured_merchant":{"link":"\/gp\/aag\/details\/?seller=A3PX6LRIAWL67W&sshmPath=shipping-rates","name":"Details","seller_id":"A3PX6LRIAWL67W","shipped_from":"Details","is_amazon_fulfilled":false},"is_prime_eligible":false,"parse_status_code":12005,"product_dimensions":"\u200e20.32 x 15.24 x 12.7 cm; 1.9 Kilograms","warranty_and_support":{"links":[{"url":"\/gp\/help\/customer\/display.html\/ref=orc_hp_s_retpol?ie=UTF8&nodeId=GKM69DUUYKQWKWX7","title":"Return details"}],"description":"amazon.ae Return Policy: Regardless of your statutory right of withdrawal, you enjoy a 15-30 day right of return for most products. 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