{"ads":[{"pos":1,"asin":"B0B2WZTCDH","type":"organic_also_viewed","price":79.3,"title":"Tooth Repair Kit for Fixing the Missing Chipped and Broken Tooth Gap Temporary Replacement Thermal Beads","images":["https:\/\/images-eu.ssl-images-amazon.com\/images\/I\/61B82wwpcaL._AC_UL160_SR160,160_.jpg"],"rating":5,"location":"carousel","price_upper":79.3,"reviews_count":1,"is_prime_eligible":false}],"url":"https:\/\/www.amazon.ae\/dp\/B00641RE7G?psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ct_AYP7KZZH3Q7KPN0X2XZF&language=en_US","asin":"B00641RE7G","page":1,"price":178.38,"stock":"Usually ships within 3 to 4 days","title":"Temptooth #1 Seller Trusted Patented Temporary Tooth Replacement Product - with FREE dental tools","coupon":"","images":["https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/61EPgPbrWhL._AC_SL1306_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/71gRW3dS6vL._AC_SL1500_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/81eK4sM-CeL._AC_SL1500_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/81FFUuoGBeL._AC_SL1500_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/71qL5+PoNIL._AC_SL1500_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/71Si22S4CJL._AC_SL1500_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/31aq4FVdZkL._AC_.jpg"],"rating":3.7,"category":[{"ladder":[{"url":"\/b\/ref=dp_bc_aui_C_1?ie=UTF8&node=11601440031","name":"Health"},{"url":"\/b\/ref=dp_bc_aui_C_2?ie=UTF8&node=12373018031","name":"Dental Care"},{"url":"\/b\/ref=dp_bc_aui_C_3?ie=UTF8&node=12373032031","name":"Dental Care Kits"}]}],"currency":"AED","delivery":[{"date":{"by":"29 November","from":"25"},"type":"FREE delivery"}],"_warnings":["Could not parse lightning deal."],"deal_type":"","page_type":"Product","price_sns":0,"variation":[],"has_videos":false,"sales_rank":[{"rank":68383,"ladder":[{"url":"\/gp\/bestsellers\/health\/ref=pd_zg_ts_health","name":"Health "}]},{"rank":98,"ladder":[{"url":"\/gp\/bestsellers\/health\/12373032031\/ref=pd_zg_hrsr_health","name":"Dental Care Kits"}]}],"top_review":"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm very impressed with this product! I've had health issues the last few years that because of medications, has effected my teeth. I am currently missing 6 teeth, 4 of which are my \"smile\" teeth. It's been so discouraging. My dentist says I need full dentures, which is fine except that means having oral surgery to first remove all my remaining teeth (which aren't healthy to begin with), and adding two implants on my lower jaw to help the bottom denture stay in place. I just had a second spinal surgery in March and I am not ready to have another surgery right now, but I'm so tired of trying NOT to smile and laugh because my teeth are so disgusting.I've tried a few other options (Billy Bob's fake teeth made me cry), so I was reluctant to make this purchase. But after reading all the reviews I decided to give it a try. I'm so glad I did! I wanted to replace two upper front teeth and 2 bottom front-ish teeth. So this is what happened. We had a 4th of July celebration today and I was not looking forward to playing hostess with my mouth so ugly. No one has seen me since I lost these teeth and I was so embarrassed to be seen. On Thursday night I placed my order...paid the $3.99 extra for one-day shipping...got them Friday morning. I waited until hubby went to bed to start on this \"project\". First, I am one of the least patient people on this earth. Just taking my contacts in and out frustrates me into tears sometimes, but I knew if I wanted to make this work I'd have to take my time and try not to get upset if I couldn't do it. One day earlier this week, I don't know how or why it happened, but I knocked a chip of tooth between my very front two teeth. At first it was just annoying because everytime I eat just a bite of anything I'd have to brush my teeth to get whatever food particle was stuck in the cracked area. But then my upper lip kept getting stuck in that chipped-out area until I had like a blister on the inside of my upper lip. It hurt SO bad I can barely eat anything. By Friday night when I was making my new teeth I decided to see if I could make a smaller \"filler\" for front and back between those teeth. It worked really well! My first attempt at a new tooth went far better than I expected. In fact the first one was near perfection and I should have left it alone but I decided I could maybe make it even better and I tossed it back in the hot water for another try. Remaking it took like 5-6 times but I finally got one I was happy with. I made the second one in about 3 tries. I was happy with the two new teeth, and it was getting really late so I decided to quit for the night. As others have stated, when the product hardens it's SNOW WHITE! My teeth aren't an icky color but they are nowhere near this bright white, so I knew beforehand I would have to soak them in tea or coffee, but I had NO idea how long it would take. Meanwhile I made a second \"filler\" piece that I wanted to wear right then to see if it helped my lip from being so painful. I wasn't worried about staining that one. I left the teeth to soak overnight.Saturday morning I checked my new teeth right away. I was afraid of making them TOO dark, but they hadn't stained AT ALL. Still snow white. I left them to soak all day, checking every few hours for any progress. It is now Sunday night\/Monday morning and there is still no noticeable change in color. So today was our party and I wore the snow white \"filler\" because my lip healed up almost overnight and I didn't want it to happen again. I just explained to my guests, in causal convo, (who may or may not have noticed) what was going on. I didn't like it, but I wasn't in pain either.Here are a few things I noted.- I had a hard time keeping the water hot enough to soften the beads and had to keep running back to the kitchen to nuke the coffee mug I was using. I finally used my Keurig coffee maker to just dispense hot water and it stayed hot for a long time.- I kept trying to remove the new teeth before they hardened, but I wasn't waiting long enough either and kept trying to pull them off too soon and they would become misshapened and I'd had to start over. When I did wait longer I had to use the dental pick that came with the kit to kind of pry it off but it wasn't really a big deal- As I said, staining seems to be a very slow progress. I will change to strong coffee tomorrow and see if that works better than tea.- I was a little overly excited to see how many beads came in the kit. The jar is small but it *looks* like there are a ton of beads. This isn't the case. There is a \"false\" bottom about 1\/3 of the way down the jar. There are still plenty of beads, but I did feel like it was a bit deceiving.- I found that sipping on some white wine helped the process. ;)I will update with pics and the staining progress. Meanwhile I would most likely recommend this product. Hope this helps! xoxo\n \nRead more","asin_in_url":"B00641RE7G","description":"No need to hide or cover up your smile due to missing teeth. Men and women can regain their confidence with TempTooth Temporary Tooth Replacement Kit. This kit provides everything you need for temporary fixing gaps or missing teeth. With moldable teeth beads made from non-toxic, medical-grade polymer plastic, you can create a tooth at home that looks natural and fits perfectly in a matter of minutes. No more waiting in long lines to see the dentist on short notice or paying expensive dental bills. Use this kit as a temporary solution until you can get a dental implant or another permanent solution from your dentist. Just warm up a tooth bead in hot water. Then, sculpt the material into the gap where your tooth is missing. Let the material dry. Once its ready, you can just snap the temporary tooth into place without dental cement or glue. Temptooth is the only tooth replacement product that includes patented, step-by-step video instructions to help guide you through the creation and insertion process. Each kit includes FDA-approved material that has been third-party tested for safety and efficacy for oral use. When it comes to tooth replacement kits, be wary of lookalikes because their material may be made in China. Trust the original temporary tooth replacement kit and avoid wasting your money on imitations that don't have the same safety standards as Temptooth. *This is a do it yourself tooth making product. You, the customer, make your own tooth using our proprietary material and following our patented instructions. Most buyers are able to make a successful tooth, but it may not work for everyone. If you have trouble following detailed instructions or are not good with craft type projects, Temptooth may not be for you.","parent_asin":"B00641RE7G","price_upper":178.38,"pricing_str":"","pricing_url":"https:\/\/www.amazon.ae\/gp\/offer-listing\/B00641RE7G?startIndex=0","discount_end":"","manufacturer":"Brand: Temptooth","max_quantity":5,"price_buybox":178.38,"product_name":"Temptooth #1 Seller Trusted Patented Temporary Tooth Replacement Product - with FREE dental tools","bullet_points":"SMILE WITH CONFIDENCE: Construct a durable single tooth replacement from the comfort of your home\nQUICK FIX: The kit includes moldable material that most customers can sculpt into a realistic tooth in minutes. Temptooth is a single tooth replacement product and is not meant to fix broken or chipped teeth\nSAFE FOR ORAL USE: We use FDA approved material. Be careful with lookalikes that use materials made in China\nPATENTED PROCESS: Each kit includes step by step patented instructions and a 3D animated video on how to make a tooth yourself","is_addon_item":false,"price_initial":0,"pricing_count":0,"reviews_count":13239,"sns_discounts":[],"developer_info":[],"lightning_deal":null,"price_shipping":0,"is_prime_pantry":false,"product_details":{"asin":"B00641RE7G","manufacturer":"Temptooth","item_model_number":"1425","product_dimensions":"9.65 x 7.11 x 3.81 cm; 9.07 Grams","is_discontinued_by_manufacturer":"No"},"featured_merchant":{"link":"\/gp\/aag\/details\/?seller=A10LE8TF2RTIHL&sshmPath=shipping-rates","name":"Details","seller_id":"A10LE8TF2RTIHL","shipped_from":"Details","is_amazon_fulfilled":false},"is_prime_eligible":false,"parse_status_code":12005,"product_dimensions":"9.65 x 7.11 x 3.81 cm; 9.07 Grams","answered_questions_count":0,"rating_stars_distribution":[{"rating":5,"percentage":52},{"rating":4,"percentage":12},{"rating":3,"percentage":11},{"rating":2,"percentage":7},{"rating":1,"percentage":18}]}