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But (BenQ), you already knew that, right? That's why you only let people rate based on those... However, the advertising makes much of the native Aptoid apps and wireless capabilities of the projector which were, for me, the most important because of my setup requirements; I was reluctant to cable everywhere in one tiny room with inconvenient layout, though have ended up having to anyway. As with other models, BenQ also big up the on-board speakers which are just low power basic speakers not really worth having if you care anything about sound quality; but I knew that before I bought it, so the aforementioned failures are my greatest gripes.Firstly wireless connectivity; my projector seems to have shipped with prototype or experimental wireless features. It's the only explanation I can think of... Based on everything being in one small room and all other devices getting full wi-fi signal and reliable, usable Bluetooth audio streaming, pretty much all those wireless capabilities on the projector did not work - or were not usable anyway. Audio distorts, cuts out, and fast-forwards like a mobile phone in bad signal (don't patronize me about range, obstructions etc, I tried everything...). Video via the wireless dongle provided pixelates, freezes, jumps and drops the streaming connection altogether and dumps you back out to the main menu (remember, one small room and the Wi-Fi router is in it...). No amount of repositioning or reboots made any difference to any of it.Next the on-board Android \/ Aptoid apps. Again, must have been some sort of proof-of-concept they were working on with my machine (actually more likely, they've just moved everything to Android TV and aren't bothering to support or test Aptoid anymore). The projector comes with Aptoid installed. You can *sometimes* get a YouTube video to play by navigating to it (torturously) in the on-board Firefox browser. That launches the YouTube app and streams the video. However the YouTube app won't start if accessed directly. It briefly flashes up a white screen then dumps you back to the home screen with a message saying 'Unfortunately YouTube has stopped'. You have to be quick to catch that. I tried re-installing YouTube via the Aptoid store but still no dice.The Netflix app says it's not compatible with the device and launches a help page in Firefox browser (seemingly the only app that actually works). That *does* provide you with a link to get an APK which it claims should work but let's digress briefly to the Wi-Fi connectivity issue seemingly built into the device (or perhaps the wireless dongle that ships with it). When trying to download the APK, even though you can navigate to it and even away from it to another page, often fails due to 'no internet' (even though there *is* internet). The Wi-Fi dongle seems to be plagued with constant disconnects (possibly also why the streaming doesn't work but then what's the Bluetooth's excuse?). I learned this by going into the network settings and watching my Wi-Fi router appear, connect, disappear, re-appear, re-connect about three times in a few minutes. I wondered if it was an issue with my router and did the same on a few other devices but nope, the projector dongle is definitely the problem.But returning to the Netflix app: When I finally got the allegedly device-compatible APK to download, the installation failed with the message 'installation failed' (that's how I worked out what had happened, you see...). I couldn't find any other information on it.I also installed Amazon prime via Aptoid and that too failed to work although its complaint is something like 'NO_RENERERS_FOUND' (I'm not going to bother looking it up again...). Don't worry, I tried really hard to work it out. I Googled the message and everything... I'm just not going to bore you with the details.I promptly got in touch with BenQ support to ask why their \u00a31,000+ device didn't work as advertised (only in respect of the software, though, I had long succumbed to the aforementioned dreaded arduous cabling for the rest). They responded by advising me (and I promise you this is an accurate summary) to try to:1. Find and install other versions of apps, maybe using APK files from alternative sources or maybe in the Aptoid app store (I'm not kidding!)2. Clear the cache and restart the deviceTheir advice was not specific to individual apps and not clear about how clearing the cache might be achieved. Anyway, unafraid of technology, I figured out the cache-clearing and as for the restarts, well...So I asked BenQ for specifics. For these apps, which APKs? Where can I find them? What if their installations fail? Details, people! DETAILS!To date, I have received no response from BenQ and I have put in to Amazon to return the device and ordered one that, according to other reviews, seems to actually work.PS: BenQ, not ok just offering the fields 'picture quality', 'value for money' and 'brightness' for the ratings. If you're going to advertise features, have the decency to include them in your ratings breakdown or better yet, maybe ship stuff which actually works...\n \nRead more","asin_in_url":"B08HYZ8VN6","description":"It\u2019s easy with TK850i 4K HDR smart home projector powered by Android TV. Glide through simple set up, then kick back and enjoy 100\u201d+ projected 4K UHD 8.3 million pixel pictures and stellar audio. Whether it\u2019s your first home theater projector or an upgrade, you\u2019re sure to love TK850i with Google-certified Android TV sporting events, movies, and games from the Google Play Store.","parent_asin":"B08TY3HSX5","price_upper":5985,"pricing_str":"","pricing_url":"https:\/\/www.amazon.ae\/gp\/offer-listing\/B08HYZ8VN6?startIndex=0","discount_end":"","manufacturer":"BenQ","max_quantity":2,"price_buybox":5985,"product_name":"BenQ TK850i | UHD HDR 4K Projector, 3000 Lumens Home Theater Projector, 10W Speakers Wireless Movie Projector, Smart Android TV Projector for Home Cinema, Sports & Games, Projector 4K Bluetooth Wifi","bullet_points":"SPLENDID IMAGE QUALITY VIA 4K UHD RESOLUTION: True 8.3 million pixels deliver 4K UHD image quality with striking clarity and crisply defined details\nLIVE SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT: Google-certified Android TV and Google Play store, with 5,000+ of the latest Android apps, live sports, movies, shows, music, and more. The dedicated Sport modes make you feel like you\u2019re part of the game\nPROJECTOR-OPTIMIZED HDR-PRO(HDR10\/HLG): HDR-PRO supercharged by the Dynamic Iris with exclusive enhanced contrast and HDR brightness for realistic, detailed images. Including support for HDR10 and HLG\nVIVID COLORS IN ANY SETTING, INSIDE OR OUTSIDE: Perfectly balanced high visual brightness (>3000 ANSI Lumens) and vivid colors (98% Rec.709) for use in bright environments;EASY UPGRADE from a BenQ 1080p Projector\nNETFLIX: Cast Netflix content via your laptop on the Google Chrome Browser or connect the projector with an HDMI cable. Netflix is not natively available on this projector as an app","is_addon_item":false,"price_initial":0,"pricing_count":0,"reviews_count":178,"sns_discounts":[],"developer_info":[],"lightning_deal":null,"price_shipping":0,"is_prime_pantry":false,"product_details":{"asin":"B08HYZ8VN6","brand":"\u200eBenQ","wattage":"\u200e340 watts","resolution":"\u200e3840 x 2160","form_factor":"\u200eDesktop","item_weight":"\u200e4.2 Kilograms","manufacturer":"\u200eUltimate Products Ltd","processor_count":"\u200e4","customer_reviews":"3.9 3.9 out of 5 stars 178 ratings 3.9 out of 5 stars","best_sellers_rank":"#39,669 in Electronics (See Top 100 in Electronics) #346 in Home Video Projectors","item_model_number":"\u200eTK850i","screen_resolution":"\u200e1920 x 1080","product_dimensions":"\u200e38 x 26.3 x 12.7 cm; 4.2 Kilograms","date_first_available":"14 September 2020","are_batteries_included":"\u200eNo","graphics_card_interface":"\u200eIntegrated","number_of_usb_2_0_ports":"\u200e3","standing_screen_display_size":"\u200e15.6"},"featured_merchant":{"link":"\/gp\/help\/seller\/at-a-glance.html\/ref=dp_merchant_link?ie=UTF8&seller=A2VKTIL2X37B9N&asin=B08HYZ8VN6&ref_=dp_merchant_link&isAmazonFulfilled=1","name":"SIGNAUX-DUBAI","seller_id":"A2VKTIL2X37B9N","shipped_from":"Amazon","is_amazon_fulfilled":true},"is_prime_eligible":false,"parse_status_code":12005,"product_dimensions":"\u200e38 x 26.3 x 12.7 cm; 4.2 Kilograms","warranty_and_support":{"links":[{"url":"\/gp\/help\/customer\/display.html\/ref=orc_hp_s_retpol?ie=UTF8&nodeId=GKM69DUUYKQWKWX7","title":"Return details"}],"description":"amazon.ae Return Policy: Regardless of your statutory right of withdrawal, you enjoy a 15-30 day right of return for most products. For exceptions and conditions, see Return details."},"answered_questions_count":0,"rating_stars_distribution":[{"rating":5,"percentage":55},{"rating":4,"percentage":15},{"rating":3,"percentage":9},{"rating":2,"percentage":8},{"rating":1,"percentage":13}]}