{"url":"https:\/\/www.amazon.ae\/dp\/B0BSHFBNKP","asin":"B0BSHFBNKP","page":1,"brand":"Apple","price":7999,"stock":"Only 3 left in stock - order soon.","title":"Apple 2023 MacBook Pro laptop with Apple M2 Pro chip with 10\u2011core CPU and 16\u2011core GPU: 14.2-inch Liquid Retina XDR display, 16GB, 512GB SSD storage. Works with iPhone\/iPad; Silver; English","coupon":"","images":["https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/61CHqS31PiL._AC_SL1500_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/71EXUovqyFL._AC_SL1500_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/61C9irOOQVL._AC_SL1500_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/81y6NpT2CKL._AC_SL1500_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/810RmaVJvtL._AC_SL1500_.jpg","https:\/\/m.media-amazon.com\/images\/I\/61VNQsJChwL._AC_SL1500_.jpg"],"rating":4.5,"category":[],"currency":"AED","delivery":[{"date":{"by":"Friday, 15 March","from":null},"type":"FREE delivery"},{"date":{"by":"Tomorrow, 14 March","from":null},"type":"Or fastest delivery"}],"_warnings":["Could not parse pricing count.","Could not parse description.","Could not parse category.","Could not parse sales ranks."],"deal_type":"","page_type":"Product","price_sns":0,"variation":[{"asin":"B0BSHFBNKP","selected":true,"dimensions":{"Color":"Silver","Style":"M2 Pro","Capacity":"512 GB","Configuration":"English"}}],"has_videos":false,"sales_rank":[],"top_review":"Received the original product and got the same specs whatever its mentioned.\n \nRead more","asin_in_url":"B0BSHFBNKP","description":"","parent_asin":"B0BSKNCNJB","price_upper":7999,"pricing_str":"","pricing_url":"https:\/\/www.amazon.ae\/gp\/offer-listing\/B0BSHFBNKP?startIndex=0","discount_end":"","manufacturer":"Apple","max_quantity":3,"price_buybox":7999,"product_name":"Apple 2023 MacBook Pro laptop with Apple M2 Pro chip with 10\u2011core CPU and 16\u2011core GPU: 14.2-inch Liquid Retina XDR display, 16GB, 512GB SSD storage. Works with iPhone\/iPad; Silver; English","bullet_points":"SUPERCHARGED BY M2 PRO OR M2 MAX \u2014 Take on demanding projects with the M2 Pro or M2 Max chip. M2 Pro has up to 12 CPU cores, up to 19 GPU cores and up to 32GB unified memory. M2 Max has 12 CPU cores, up to 38 GPU cores and up to 96GB unified memory.\nUP TO 18 HOURS OF BATTERY LIFE \u2014 Go all day thanks to the power-efficient design of the M2 Pro or M2 Max chip. And MacBook Pro delivers exceptional performance whether it\u2019s running on battery or plugged in.\nFULLY COMPATIBLE \u2014 All your pro apps run lightning-fast \u2014 including Adobe Creative Cloud, Xcode, Affinity Designer, Microsoft 365, and many of your favourite iPhone and iPad apps.\nBEAUTIFUL PRO DISPLAY \u2014 The 14.2-inch Liquid Retina XDR display features Extreme Dynamic Range, over 1,000 nits of brightness for stunning HDR content and pro reference modes for doing your best work on the go.\nADVANCED CAMERA AND AUDIO \u2014 Look sharp and sound great with a 1080p FaceTime HD camera, a studio-quality three-mic array, and a six-speaker sound system with Spatial Audio.\nCONNECT WHAT YOU WANT \u2014 MacBook Pro features a MagSafe charging port, three Thunderbolt 4 ports, an SDXC card slot, an HDMI port and a headphone jack. And enjoy seamless wireless connectivity with Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.3.\nMAGIC KEYBOARD WITH TOUCH ID \u2014 Magic Keyboard comes with a full-height function key row and Touch ID, which gives you a fast, easy, secure way to unlock your Mac and sign in to apps and sites.\nWORKS WITH ALL YOUR APPLE DEVICES \u2014 You can do amazing things when you use your Apple devices together. Copy something on iPhone and paste it on MacBook Pro. Use your MacBook Pro to answer FaceTime calls or send texts with Messages. And that\u2019s just the beginning.\nBUILT TO LAST \u2014 The all-aluminium unibody enclosure is exceptionally durable. Free software updates keep things running smoothly and securely for years to come.","is_addon_item":false,"price_initial":0,"pricing_count":1,"reviews_count":56,"sns_discounts":[],"developer_info":[],"price_shipping":0,"is_prime_pantry":false,"featured_merchant":[],"is_prime_eligible":false,"parse_status_code":12005,"answered_questions_count":0,"rating_stars_distribution":[{"rating":5,"percentage":78},{"rating":4,"percentage":11},{"rating":3,"percentage":3},{"rating":2,"percentage":3},{"rating":1,"percentage":5}]}